All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

W2000 VS XP

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Ok so after having XP re-installed a couple of months ago, it seems to perform wonderfully. It hasn't crashed in quite some time, and it handles well when you have alot of programs open.

I would be willing to go to W2000 just because you guys say it's XP with less bullshit. Question is, are  you guys 100% POSITIVE that speed and performance wise it is as good as XP?


quote:Originally posted by void main:

Only if you are using M$ software. Another example of M$ shooting themselves in the foot. I am beginning to think that Palladium might be the best thing that could happen to Linux. It will give people more reason to ditch M$ and go Linux. When they figure out they can no longer play music files or use P2P apps it will be the last straw for many more windoids. Go Palladium!
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M$ are not stupid, nor are they static. at the first hint of some exodus to linux happening, M$ will change the rules temporarily just long enough not to frighten people away.

don't count yer chickens...


quote:Originally posted by Zombie9920:

You know why the Windows machine got hit by viruses? It is because Windows is so popular and so widely used that people make viruses for Windows to cause mass destruction. If Linux was used by nearly as many people as Windows there would be alot of Linux virii. Why would anyone write a mass destruction program(virus) for an OS that only has .025% of the desktop OS share? That would be pointless if you ask me. If people would get a good AV program for Windows it wouldn't be a problem. Knowing an Open Source freak though, he probably chose to use some freeware AV program and didn't bother to update virus definitions(which is why the machine got infected).
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hmmmm i've got some numbers that might put ur ass back in ur place.....

Linux: 47,100,000
Winblows: 43,800,000
Unix: 12,200,000
Open Source: 2,740,000
Free Software: 1,760,000

those are the OS and software numbers coming from a variety of of which i'm looking at right now and have been for a while, Linux Journal magazine - August 2002 issue page 70.  under the topic - scoring 100.  read it, you might find some interesting shit about really how popular linux is compared to winbloze....l8r

BUMP TIME! Ok I need a question answered.

Does Windows 2000 have superior legacy compatibility to Windows XP?

surely it would depend entirely on the actual programs you were trying to run.

Zombie467284623846 and the XP users will probably be able to answer this better than i ever could.


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