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W2000 VS XP

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quote:Originally posted by Zombie9920:

I know that it was supposed to be there with SP2(and SP3) but nonetheless it wasn't there for me even after installing the Service Packs. I
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It probably is there really, just hiding. For some reason you have to either regsvr it or play in the registry - see
MS Knowledge Base article Q279792

in the box type
regsvr32 %systemroot%\apppatch\slayerui.dll
and the tab should appear

had to look this up at NTFAQ though, didn't remember how I did it at my last install of Win2K.


quote:Originally posted by Zombie9920:

Tell that to the fools who will be using Lindows in the future. IT is to my understanding that everything in Lindows is done when logged in as root.
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i've heard that many linux users don't think that lindows is a good os...i've heard ppl say that it doesn't have the good aspects of linux

if you wanna prevent bout 80%+ of the virii out there, just do this.. (in windows of course)
just open up windows explorer.. click on tools, folder options.. file types.. scroll down to the 2 VBS entries.. and delete both of them...
then when you get an embedded virus, and you accidently click onit... most of them are visual basic. windows wont even open it properly if it cant open properly it cant be executed.. and of the other 20ish percent, nortons can handle them very nicely
just my .02

or get linux and never worry about 100% of viruses again, and save a shitload of money that would otherwise have gone to norton and microsoft as well! great!

let's see a virus find the WINNT folder in my mandrake 9.0 setup...


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