All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
W2000 VS XP
how can anyone respect their opinion when the facts arent even investigated..
and error reporting can be disabled, auto updates can be disabled, remote registry, remote desktop can be disabled.. Upnp can be disabled..
i mean does anyone, or most on here, even know any kinda tweaks or where to find simple settings before opening their mouth and badmouthing 2 of the best pieces of software M$ ever put out. and dont bother flaming cause i'm NOT SAYING M$ is perfect.. but there 2 pieces of software are great efforts finally putting the 9x/me/nt4 legacy to REST for GOOD
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The main argument I see for using Windows is that it is supposedly more user friendly than Linux. But I must ask, how many average users are going to know how to disable things like auto-update, Universal Plug-n-Play, etc?
I'm sure there are lots of tweaks you can get to make the system slightly more stable, however, most average users won't know how to tweak it.
Sometimes Linux has to be tweaked, but so does Windows if you want to keep it stable. Judging by this, Windows isn't any more user friendly than Linux.
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