All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
pirating ms stuff
yeah, but do you HAVE to?... I don't think anyone HAS to do anything
Why would you *have* to use Microsoft stuff?
If it's for work, and you must use M$ software to do your job, you have no choice. There is no excuse whatsoever for using pirated software in the workplace. Period. I don't care if they are the most evil empire in the world.
Although you're unlikely to ever get caught, using pirated software at home is equally wrong.
Microsoft own the rights to their software. They have laid out the terms of use for their software in their EULA.
If you don't agree to those terms DO NOT USE THE SOFTWARE!
There are so many reasons that using pirated MS software backfires on the open-source movement.
We (the open-source community - I presumptiously include myself because I use the software although I don't [yet] actually contribute to it) are all too often seen by the general public (usually guided by M$'s spin machine) as freeloaders who want everything without having to pay for it.
The general public often fail to see, however, that those who use open source software do pay, but in a different way. In whatever way most people will provide some feedback to developers, give suggestions, or even code patches to correct bugs.
Even just completely passively using open-source software helps the cause. The more websites that log a UserAgent string other than Internet Exploder the better. (note defending my hypocrisy: I am using Mozilla on Windows 2000, I know... sorry. I have to. For work. And it is fully paid for.)
Oh yeah, the other thing... if you're using pirated MS OS's 'cos you want to play games...
Get a PS2, Dreamcast, whatever. It's so much better when you can play it on a 21" telly instead of a 15" monitor, and it doesn't take up 600MB of disk space.
And yes, I know there are collaborative games about that require the use of M$ OS's. If you believe M$ is wrong, don't use them. Only then will they realise that they have to cater to the wider audience.
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