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Ok I'm convinced, what next?
I have gone around and around in my computer and have decided the base problem lies in Windows. I'm ready to convert this thing to a Linux OS, what do I do first?
This thing is a Pentium MMX, 233mHz, 96 meg RAM, 3 hard drives; 3gb, 4.3gb, 10.1gb each about half full. 32x CD-ROM, 56k modem, 1.44 Floppy, integrated video & 16 bit sound of some sort. The box was put together five years ago.
It's primary purpose is surfing the Internet, I like the Opera browser. Followed by processing digital photographs, IrfanView is my favorite graphics viewer/manipulator. And word processing, Corel suite 8, I only use the word processor. If this Ol'puter stays functional I will be happy with it for another five years, my only wish list item is a CD-RW.
I used to be a "PC Field Service Engineer" in the first half of the '90s, back when the 486-66 was the hottest processor out there and Win95 was called Chicago and only existed in dreams (nightmares?) I resigned my job the end of '94 and took up making saddles for a living. So, I do have some background in PC's, I did build and maintain my own but, I have no clue in the Linux world. Although I do learn fast.
Can anyone give me a hint as to what direction to go in? Funds are limited, Saddlers don't make lots of money and the birds eat most of that.
first step is: get a copy of linux. preferably on a CD. then stick it in yr drive and boot from it, following the easy onscreen prompts. get one from if you have broadband or buy one mail order from a cheap mail order company such as (which is an English one, you need to find one in your country) and welcome to the bazaar!
Yeah Calum has got it really. Unless you are a complete retard (which you are not) then you can learn linux. Mandrake is nice to start off with and SuSe make a version that you can use straight off the CD and it does not even touch you HDD(s). Never used it (SuSe Live) btu it could be good to give you an idea of the way things work before you install to HD. A comprehensive book helps but there a hordes of resources on the net and of course the Linux/UNIX forums right here.
Just go ahead, teach youself with some on-line guidance. Be like a child explore, fall over, get up again, and then don't fall the next time.
[ July 16, 2002: Message edited by: Tux ]
Suse live is really good for someone who wants to see how linux is. It adds about 100 megs of files to your HD if it can read it. As long as it is not ntfs it is fine. But it is kinda slow becauswe it runs entirely off the cd but it is useful to teach people about linux. and it comes with a ton of apps ready to use
Master of Reality:
I think diving straight into Linux would be a semi-good idea. YOu will learn faster if it means that your computer is useless if you cant get it to work
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