All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
Ok I'm convinced, what next?
id love to bootstrap ChoasNETOS with immunix's compiler, that would be 1337 to say the least
OK, I am in too. I have convinced upper management to at least let me evaluate deploying Linux corporate wide. After explaining the significance of July 31st and a price comparison well, the choice is clear. The strategy will not be to replace Window$ in one fell swoop but to implement new PCs and upgrades with Linux. There was much concern about Office documents (Excel etc) compatability with Linux based applications. Doesn't seem to be a problem from what I have gathered so far. It also looks like I can get more mileage out of older PCs because Linux is leaner so we don't have to buy new hardware to run the next version of Window$. Looking forward to it.
With a download manager to resume downloads I downloaded Mandrakes CD1 on my 56k (don't laugh), so it's possible. It did take me about a week though of dl'ing nights.
But even a student as cheap as me gave in to a copy of the mandrake linux 8 cd powerpack sitting on CEX's shelves for a mere 25 quid.
Anyone looking for linux should definatly check around because most stores don't really seem to know how they should be priced .
Okay i know linux is free, but when you buy the box, as well as supporting them you get free stickers!!! and manuels and stuff. You could have a "powered by linux" sticker on the front!
Hey Hibbeboy, nice to see business taking this seriously, good going, spread the word.
One thing you really need to watch out for. Lots of people use the bloat of a certain monster OS (why beat aroung the bush I mean M$ and so I'll say it), to justify getting themselves newer systems, people can be pathetic about having good systems at work, and they are likly to get a bit miffed when they see a PII suddenly appear and not the latest P4, 1G Memory, etc., despite the fact they don't need it.
Get your answers in early (pointless expenditure is not good for the company, and therefore it's disloyal to want huge PC's for word processing). This is more stable system, the time saved in reboots will feedback as time spent actually working. The software we use is open-source, therefore if the vendor stops support or goes out of business, we can employ any good software engineer to maintain and provide support, as we will know exactly what's going on with the program. We no longer need to spend a fortune auditing licenses. Yes you can take a copy for home use, feel free to learn it yourself, it will benefit the company directly, etc. etc.
There is less argument when good solid ideas are presented as well thought out reasons, leave your dissenters with a way out, so that they can feel they were offering constructive critisim, saving face essentially.
Well I have ASDL, so mandrake d/l's like ZOOM! :D
Ok, my lazy @$$ finally got much of my backups burned. MUCH is the keyword. Damn im tired. ;)
So I suppose Linux(mandrake at least) is ultra easy to install(for non-retards), it just feels scary for those who have never done it before(me).
So your POSITIVE that with my Linux cd in the drive, it WILL boot off of it? Until I showed my interest in Linux in a thread here, I had never heard of this rad concept. How do I know my BIOS won't say "sorry, you haven't loaded your config.ghey drivers, no freedom boot for you".
Oh and do the people here mind if you post all sorts of dumb newbie questions to the Linux board once you have it set up? :cool:
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