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"newbie" gets 1st glimpse at the "real" windows

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I'm your basic beginer/ absolute idiot when it comes to the world of the PC.  But I got my first taste of what was up last week.  Due to irrelevant reasons, everything on my PC began to slowly fail, and w/in 24 hrs, Windows wouldn't even start in "safe mode."  I went to their "tech support" through my laptop,..and recd NO HELP bc my windows came w/ PC, so I wasn't able to ask any ques., bc I DIDN't BUY their freakin program. So I went through the hell of tying to PHONE them,.several times, only to be told that the errors and probs I had only could be resolved through a "recovery" CD,and total REinstall, in which I would lose all info stored.  Like I said,.I don't know anything, but it just didn't make sense that I had to lose everything, and if the guy I was talking to was told he would lose his TOP score on whtvr role fantasy game he had stored,..he too would find a way to restore.  Which, after 4 days, I did.  The sites/ forums who helped someone w/ zero skills do this restore, also linked me to MANY informative sites,..such as this.  SO in the long run, was a plus.  KNOWLEDGE IS POWER!..and I'm ready to learn wtf is up!  =)

Welcome to the boards, Colleen!

If you want to keep Windows and fix it, go to for help.

If you want to get Linux and/or dual boot, ask for any help you want. I reccommend you visit this thread for some basic questions:

Also, if/when you do get Linux, visit the FAQ @

Linux is free, and you can download whatever distrobution you decide on at (which appears to be down at the moment) or the specific site for that distrobution.

If I didn't answer your question, or I confused you, just ask the question again    

[ December 02, 2002: Message edited by: The Muffin Man ]

two words and a number... Red Hat 8


quote:Originally posted by Jimmy James: Mac Commando:
two words and a number... Red Hat 8
--- End quote ---

Don't start recommending distro's yet...

I would lean more towards Mandrake or Lycoris.

thanks.. I will be ck'ing all those links out.  I heard of LINUX in the summer,..and that def. sounds interesting,..but I have so much to FREAKIN learn.  How sad that even after 2 college degrees, I never knew until my "big windows crash" how facinating I found the PC.  It never occurred to me the was more to it then WORD and Im's.. UGH! Better late then never, ..and if the finicial aid appeal goes through,..I get to start getting my official computer "learn on" BACk at school.


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