All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
hi ppl and fucku lamer peice ofshi t!!!!
Hi I am new to the fuckmicrosoft forum but I already love it. Keep up the good work and I hope any Microsoft loving trolls love my subject name hehe *cough*i fuck other males*cough*
gotta love filemirrors
[ June 20, 2002: Message edited by: BOB X11 ]
i don't understand the title, but i'm glad to see you don't speak like that in real life! ;) welcome to the board! hey, whereabouts in Sydney are you? and how did you hear of the site here? i'm always interested to know why there are so many australians here (actually not anymore, but we had tons for a minute there and i heard about this site from an australian PC magazine while i was over there)
[edit - now i understand the topic name and i can safely say that you are not welcome. One strike and you are out. Sorry, dumbfuck but try posting cracks and warez on here again, and i will personally come after you with a blunt chainsaw. I hope something unpleasant happens to your knees very shortly. Continue posting on these boards if you must but do not post shit that will just allow more people to use Microsoft's fuckware, that is not welcomed.]
[ June 20, 2002: Message edited by: Calum ]
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