All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

ok thats it!!!

<< < (2/3) > >>

before you rid youself of it, try redhat 7.3, and tell me what the error message is, maybe ive seen it before. and i would go 600, wait, im out of fucking money

$700, but you really should keep it!

Vultures!!!  Have someone D/L the Debian floppy set (6 floppies).  That'll set up a basic version of Debian with internet capabilities; then apt-get dist-upgrade (or whatever option is specified) and you can D/l the whole damned OS. (I think those oher guys are gone.  I'll trade you a Duron 600Mhz w/ 512 PC 133, a 15 Gb hd, a 40 Gb hd, and some other goodies and all OS's up and running (Debian "Woody", LibraNet 2.0 and WIN98) plus $200.00, OK?)

well, after numerious toll calls to microsoft i have been told how to fix my problem.

i had to physically disable iexplore.exe.

send me 25$ and i will tell you how to do it.

wait, wait, wait, so Microsoft TOLD you to disable iexplore.exe? and doesn't that mean that your operating system now won't work since iexplore.exe is an integral part of the system? you should be called as a witness...

(now's the moment when i realise that it's all a sarcastic joke!)


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