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I can't install windows OS
I started to having problems with my Windows XP, last week, I get a lot of blue screen, that said: error with some .dll, and all of the programs crash. Some day the error says: overturn or empty (I don't know the exact word in english) of the physic memory. I tried to restore my computer but the errors became hihgher, included I have blue sreens when the XP stars, it said error qith nllt.dll ( i can't remember the exact file) Then I decide to install again the XP, but until it arrives to the screen where you decide the partition the computer stop and show this error: Problem with file setupdd.sys PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA Stop: 0x00000050 (0xA1504110,0x00000000,0xF99D5417,0x00000000) setup.sys-Adress F99D5417 base at F999E000, Datastamp 3b7d8507 Then I try with win 2000. I can make a partition anf format but when the computer restar, it hang up and show this error: STOP 0x0000001E (0xC0000005,0x0000001,0x00000000,0x0000001) KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED star overturn(or empty) the physic memory emptied physic memory complete.
Included I can't format my hard disk with maxblast (is a program to format for maxtor hard disks).
I can't belive it, I need this computer to work, but I can't undestand nothing. I need help.
Thank you
Well as you may have heard, windows XP is one of the most unreliable commercially available operating systems. My advice to you is to upgrade to one of the following alternatives:
Red Hat Linux 7.2
FreeBSD 4.5
Mandrake Linux 8.2
All of those operating systems are at least as good as windows XP, and are a lot more stable and reliable. They are also free.
Here is an article telling you about the history of linux.
Or you could try looking throughthis list of operating systems for intel x86 computers, there are many alternatives to Windows XP that you might want to consider.
Some people told me that it could be a problem with some Hardware like RAM or HD.
What do you think?
I installed a program call fast ASPI. can be the problem?
[ April 13, 2002: Message edited by: pepillo ]
quote:Originally posted by pepillo:
Some people told me that it could be a problem with some Hardware like RAM or HD.
What do you think?
I installed a program call fast ASPI. can be the problem?
--- End quote ---
It's not a hardware problem it's a Microsoft windows problem. There is nothing wrong with your hardware. It is fine. Don't go and buy some new RAM or anything like that! Your operating system is shit. That is the problem.
My sister also installed a similar ASPI program and her windows (Win98v1) also came crashing to its knees. The problem was not the program however, the problem was her shitty operating system.
Why not at least consider my advice above? i put it forward in good faith, not as a joke!
Good luck anyway......
so, pepillo, did you end up installing what we call an 'operating system'?
or did you just go and find somebody who was willing to tell you that your hardware was all wrong, and so was all of your software except windows?
did you get it all working in the end? and if so how?
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