All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
I can't install windows OS
quote:Originally posted by X11:
Bill Gates: Droped out in year 9 because he's a idiot
Linus Torvalds: Got a Master Degree in Comp Sci
--- End quote ---
Hey now, I'm no fan of Bill, but education dosn't mean jack compared to intelligence. Einstine didn't even make it out of grade school if I recal corectly. aparantly he had trouble in math of all things :D .
Steve Jobs was a highschool drop out, so were many many great inteligent people.
Finaly, to Billy boy might not be a computer genius, he is one hell of a spin doctor and marketer, that outta give him some points on the inteligence meeter.
that's not intelligence, it is many things, i suppose intelligence is in there, it might even be one of the top ten things you need if you want to be a successful spin doctor, but i wouldn't bet on it.
Pepillo, with reference to your question about how to find out some basics about linux, as i say, install it first, then play with it. Everybody says mandrake is good, so use it to start with. THEN visit this page and work your way through it.
Print it out, so it's easy to read while you are using the computer. Don't bother reading it till you have linux installed, it won't make sense, until you try it out on your own computer.
That's my advice, good luck!
Umm, I have a couple of terms for you. See if they ring any bells. Macromedia, Discreet, Alias Wavefront, Newtek, Corel, Metacreations (disbanded), Borland, Ulead. Sound familiar? What platform? Certainly not Linux. Mac? Barely. Hate on M$ all you want; fasct remains that any gtraphics work has to be done 90% on Windows. Mac doesn;t have it anymore. Hey, I'll be the first to get rid of any polluting M$ products on my comp, IF I didn't have games and graphics stuff to do all the time.
quote:Originally posted by askani:
Umm, I have a couple of terms for you. See if they ring any bells. Macromedia, Discreet, Alias Wavefront, Newtek, Corel, Metacreations (disbanded), Borland, Ulead. Sound familiar? What platform? Certainly not Linux. Mac? Barely. Hate on M$ all you want; fasct remains that any gtraphics work has to be done 90% on Windows. Mac doesn;t have it anymore. Hey, I'll be the first to get rid of any polluting M$ products on my comp, IF I didn't have games and graphics stuff to do all the time.
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WOW! you really added something to the discussion, As gets pointed out on these forums all the time, the reason companies don't port their software is because they think there is no market for their product on different OSs.
A ridiculous perception when it comes to linux, since a lot of those software vendors make both windows and MacOS versions of their programs.
I suspect they think Mac users are more likely to pay for software than linux users. pathetic.
Anyway, what is your point about M$? all those companies you mention... are NOT Microsoft. they are all software vendors who will write software for whatever OSs they think they can make money selling software for at any one time. M$ on the other hand add a whole new dimension to dirty tricks and ruthless backstabbery.
Also, i notice you missed out
Adobe from your list. Plenty of vendors DO write for other OSs, M$ even brought out some unix versions of internet explorer. And your facetious "certainly not linux" comment sticks i am afraid, Corel (whom you do mention) were among the first commercial linux vendors/distributors around.
this is an anti Microsoft site, so get with the plot, and stop being so irritating, dickhead.
[ April 18, 2002: Message edited by: Calum ]
quote:Originally posted by askani:
Umm, I have a couple of terms for you. See if they ring any bells. Macromedia, Discreet, Alias Wavefront, Newtek, Corel, Metacreations (disbanded), Borland, Ulead. Sound familiar? What platform? Certainly not Linux. Mac? Barely. Hate on M$ all you want; fasct remains that any gtraphics work has to be done 90% on Windows. Mac doesn;t have it anymore. Hey, I'll be the first to get rid of any polluting M$ products on my comp, IF I didn't have games and graphics stuff to do all the time.
--- End quote ---
Ummm.... I was gonna reply but....
Oh god, you CAN'T be serious?!!
Let me collect myself and then I'll reply to this.
Ok here I go, right down the list:
Macromedia- ALL of their product's ship for Mac, and are well supported, all new versions and updates ship at nearly the same time as their PC counterparts. Finaly Macromedia is SHIT compared to Adobe, no one seriously uses their Junk.
Discreet- No industry profesional uses their stuff on a PC! Go to any production lab and try to find a non-UNIX based system runing Flint! Where in your ass did you pull this shit out of?
NewTek- Makes well supported Mac and UNIX versions of their products. Lightwave for OS X has had rave reviews and is the latest version.
Alias|Wavefron- Mac version for this also, well supported, great reviews. Besides, no one in the industry uses this stuff on a PC, it's all Linux based!!! Christ my bro, at dreamworks runs AW Maya on RedHat Machines thrugh GNOME.
Corel- Err... What? Who the fuck uses Corel!!!!!!
Metacreations- Started on the fucking mac, moron!!!! Was allways well supported and the product's they sold off to other companies for support and production are well supported on the Mac as well.
Borland- Mac's have Symantech, Metroworks, apples own free development tools which are fully fetured. So why do I care about Borland? Not to mention the fact that Linux and UNIX have literaly thousands of FREE development environments and tools available.
Ulead- What the fuck? No one uses that garbage when there are plenty of alternatives out there. Jesus H, what kind of crack did you smoke before you posted.
You MUST be a troll, because there is no way you could seriously belive the shit coming out of your mouth.
EDIT: Oh god, I just had to add to this.
90% of graphics work HAS to be done on a Wintel PC?!
Did Bill Gate's ass rape you? Who told you that, Holy shit your off base.
Also, as Calum pointed out, you conspicuously avoided mentioning Adobe. I guess it would have been hard to try and argue that the DEFACTO graphics applications developer is not supported on a Mac. Especialy when upward of 75% of ALL graphics development is done on Macintosh environments, a heafty 17% or so (mostly 3d and video, infact this acount's for nearly all the 3d and video stuff) is done on Linux/*NIX boxes. The rest get's tossed over to NT.
Well, at least PC's got studioMax and tons of gamez d000d
[ April 18, 2002: Message edited by: psyjax ]
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