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I can't install windows OS

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I finally realised what "jaja" was      

En Ingles, el sonido de risa se escribe "HAHAHA".

Si no areglan tu computadora para poder usar Windows, talves todavia sera posible a usar Linux.

Bueno, ase mucho que no escribo en espa

(this is why we need forums in other languages btw)

Pepillo, just get the guy in the shop to reinstall windows, or do it yrself (though i don't know exactly how with XP), or just erase windows entirely, and use another system.

I do recommend having BSD or Linux as well on your computer even if windows is working. This way you will have at least one working system. Even if windows cacks up again (which it will) if the other system is working (it will be, i am sure) then you can still use your computer.

I wish i could speak Espanol so i could say something! You will just have to read this in English!

Master of Reality:

quote:Originally posted by Calum:
(this is why we need forums in other languages btw)

Pepillo, just get the guy in the shop to reinstall windows, or do it yrself (though i don't know exactly how with XP), or just erase windows entirely, and use another system.

I do recommend having BSD or Linux as well on your computer even if windows is working. This way you will have at least one working system. Even if windows cacks up again (which it will) if the other system is working (it will be, i am sure) then you can still use your computer.

I wish i could speak Espanol so i could say something! You will just have to read this in English!
--- End quote ---

i wish i could speak fluent Quenta (noroldin), or Valorin.


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