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WindowsBBS is DOWN!!!
Hmmm...I believe the server is located in CA, maybe they got some tremors going on over there ;)
Then again, I don't notice this site being slow, maybe your connection is being routed via a slow server?
This place is picking up a little more speed now, but it is still being slower than usual for me today. Uggh, I hate having to wait on shit to load.
This is fucking ridiculous.
MES Forums on Apache
IHA Forums on IIS
PHF Forums on IIS
My vote goes to IIS for speed and reliability. ;P
I don't know, I am getting FAST response times. There have been times in the past where I couldn't connect directly from my home, but I would log in to one of my servers out on the internet and could get right in (bounce off a proxy running on my server). So in every case it was a local routing problem at my Cable provider whenever I have had trouble. Have you tried running a traceroute (tracert in Winblows) and see if the problem lies somewhere between you and the server?
And what's bad about MES running on Apache? Apache always has and always will kick the shit out of IIS.
[ October 07, 2002: Message edited by: void main ]
i was just reading through these posts thought that i would add my piece. The mes loaded fast for me.
please forgive the windows desktop, i am at work right now. :(
edit: fuck the large image, i will just link to it.
MES Load Time
[ October 07, 2002: Message edited by: xyle_one ]
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