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WindowsBBS is DOWN!!!
Ooohh look at Zombie's "Mad l33t M$ Paint Skillz"
He's BSing...or he needs to get a new ISP :D
quote:Originally posted by The_Muffin_Man/B0b:
Ooohh look at Zombie's "Mad l33t M$ Paint Skillz"
He's BSing...or he needs to get a new ISP :D
--- End quote ---
For 1, I don't use MS Paint for anything..I prefer PaintShop Pro and Photoshop 7(I bet you wish you could use PS 7 or PSP in Linux). ;P
I'm not BSing at all, this site is really running like shit for me today. I just love how fucktards like you think that people lie about problems they are having. :rolleyes:
Zombie, do a fucking traceroute already. There is nothing wrong with the site. If there was, the rest of us would see it. It's been super responsive as always here which would not be possible if the problem was on the server end.
You will find that there is either a network problem between you and MES or heaven forbid, a problem with your WinXP.
well, i am a fucktard i suppose. check out how long it took me to load microsofts page.
Microsoft Load Time
anyone can have "Mad l33t M$ Paint Skillz"..
Well, I just enabled a proxy in IE and MES is running fine on the proxy. I guess I have the problem solved for now.
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