All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

WindowsBBS is DOWN!!!

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I've always wondered if my provider's network problems that periodically crop up are not planted network problems. I've always been able to get to the site through my proxy out on the net when I couldn't get directly to it. The cofounder of Microsoft is owner of my Cable company so I wouldn't put it past him that the routing problems to MES would be planted problems.

[ October 07, 2002: Message edited by: void main ]

Who knows. Maybe it is a conspiracy. ;P

I'm not complaining about having to use a proxy because now I have an anonymous IP addy.  :D

zombie7843784, i was actually going to answer you but you have said so many wrong things it would be impossible to really start anywhere! this site has been hosted using BSD all this year! no, i won't start.

You should get a medal for the number of wrong things you say seemingly innocently all on one page!



quote:Originally posted by Zombie9920:
I'm not complaining about having to use a proxy because now I have an anonymous IP addy.    :D  
--- End quote ---

All the easier to block you and all your XPee friends in one swoop.  

[ October 07, 2002: Message edited by: void main ]


quote:Originally posted by Zombie9920:

For 1, I don't use MS Paint for anything..I prefer PaintShop Pro and Photoshop 7(I bet you wish you could use PS 7 or PSP in Linux). ;P
I'm not BSing at all, this site is really running like shit for me today. I just love how fucktards like you think that people lie about problems they are having.   :rolleyes:  
--- End quote ---

Ahhh...the man is sane!

Yeah, sounds like traffic or bad path from your end  :(  

Oh well, all fixed now!


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