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WindowsBBS is DOWN!!!

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Doctor V:
As for  I can't believe how uneducated the people on that forum are.  I mean, they are really ignorant.  Guess thats what can be expected from M$ lackeys.

Zombie, if your going to compare windows to Linux as a desktop OS for average computer users, there is at least a semblence of truth behind your arguemants in favor of windows.  windows is more of a 'Big Brother' OS that Linux.  Thats True.  But saying that ISS on windows even comes close to Apache on Linux as far as either speed or reliability goes, is a blatant misrepresentation of reality.


1.275 seconds for me.
 Keep in mind that i got cable, but I have MAAAJOR connectivity problems all the time. And the faktards at att cant find the reason.

loads in 1.772 for me, but i'm in Australia so you would expect it to be a bit slower than it is for people closer to the server.

How can wind0ze BBS be questioning it's alliegance(windows) and full of zombies at the same time? Why do they use Linux to run it, yet have the zombie outlook(banning all mentions of Linux), instead of having an intelligent zombie3243549 style debate?

I refuse to take a peek at that site, to me it seems like a waste of time.  :D


quote:Originally posted by Zombie9920:
This is fucking ridiculous.

MES Forums on Apache

IHA Forums on IIS

PHF Forums on IIS

My vote goes to IIS for speed and reliability. ;P
--- End quote ---

Out of curiosity, do you use MSN?

If so, that explains everything.  Put two and two together.  Dipshit.

And these forums are ALWAYS fast for me, without exception.

[ October 10, 2002: Message edited by: AlexMax ]


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