All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
WindowsBBS is DOWN!!!
This site isn't in much better shape than WindowsBBS was. This site is running slower than molasses. First, WindowsBBS(being run on Linux/Apache) goes down and now this place(also being run on Linux/Apache) is running slow like it is almost ready to go down. That is enough to make an admin want to put alot of faith into Linux/Apache for a server...LoL :rolleyes: being run on Microsoft IIS hardley ever goes down(the only time it does is when they are upgrading the server) and it is always speedy. ;P Planethardware and thier forums are also run on Microsoft IIS and it never goes down and it is always speedy also. Come to think of it, all of the forums on forumplanet are on MS IIS because forumplanet(the server that hosts all of the gamespy forums) is on MS IIS.
[ October 07, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]
quote:Zombie9920: First, WindowsBBS(being run on Linux/Apache) goes down and now this place(also being run on Linux/Apache)
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quote:Netcraft What's That Site Running Results: The site is running Apache mod_gzip/ on FreeBSD.
FreeBSD users include Affinity, Orange, Yahoo! and The Apache Project
Apache is also being used by Rackspace, Dialtone Internet, VA Software and Alignment Software
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Ever saw Yahoo! "going down"?
quote:Originally posted by Zombie9920:
This site isn't in much better shape than WindowsBBS was. This site is running slower than molasses. First, WindowsBBS(being run on Linux/Apache) goes down and now this place(also being run on Linux/Apache) is running slow like it is almost ready to go down. That is enough to make an admin want to put alot of faith into Linux/Apache for a server...LoL :rolleyes:
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Hmmm, guess Zombie must think that Linux and FreeBSD are the same OS. Yep, if it's not Windows it's gotta be Linux. And I would know better than most about the uptime and speed of this site since I spend every waking hour here right Zombie? All I can say is it's *always* been very fast and available for me. Maybe you should check your network connection out and get off that MSN crap.
Ohh! Horrible!
Oh wait. Windows BBS?
I honestly don't seem to care.
Zombie9920: server OS isn't the whole story to uptime - only a small part actually. Webmasters and bandwith (and hardware) are far more important. OS and software is more of a bonus on top of that (or rather a handicap). And Apache isn't that bad at providing the bonus/minimalizing the penalty.
quote:Originally posted by void main:
Hmmm, guess Zombie must think that Linux and FreeBSD are the same OS. Yep, if it's not Windows it's gotta be Linux. And I would know better than most about the uptime and speed of this site since I spend every waking hour here right Zombie? All I can say is it's *always* been very fast and available for me. Maybe you should check your network connection out and get off that MSN crap.
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This site is on FreeBSD now? When I first registered here it was on Linux. Blah, I know that BSD isn't Linux. And yes this site is running dog slow right now(no I'm not on a MSN ISP). I know it is this site and not my ISP because every other site I've went to today is running nice and fast. I think that the Webmasters machine is having hiccups or something. ;P
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