All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

Killing .dat files help

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System.dat and user.dat are registry files.  Don't kill them.

TB: IE's data collecting/blatant outright spying is tied into the system registry?

I'm so glad I used IEradicator and made the switch to mozilla.

might be because iexplore has already been automatically removed in your linux OS...

as for zonealarm, yes it leaks and there are other better free ones, but i don't know or care what they are!  :D


quote:Originally posted by Dead_Duck:
Yes, I am a Win user.  I hope not to be insulted on this basis alone, but if that is the way it will be, let it be.
--- End quote ---

YAH! BOO! YOU SUCK!  :D   :D   :D   :D   :D  

sorry, i couldn't help myself!  ;)


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