All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

Make me not love Vista, go ahead, TRY

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I challenge you to tell me of anything this operating system does behind my back. It doesn't crash, it is more stable than Linux by all standards of the word. I don't have a TPM, so no you can dismiss the stories of DRM wiping grub and all those nasties. I want to hear something valid to do with things I cannot control on my own computer.


--- Quote from: Kintaro on 14 August 2008, 19:18 ---I challenge you to tell me of anything this operating system does behind my back. It doesn't crash, it is more stable than Linux by all standards of the word. I don't have a TPM, so no you can dismiss the stories of DRM wiping grub and all those nasties. I want to hear something valid to do with things I cannot control on my own computer.

--- End quote ---

Damn, it has to be system-related?  You mean we can't mention how you've been successfully suckered into supporting an artificial tiered-pricing system by dropping $400 on the Ultimate version because the options that would save you money are intentionally crippled?  Dammit!  ;)

I'm using a cracked version of Ultimate. I didn't pay for it, don't go into the irony of a Randroid-Pirate please.

That's really more like hypocricy than irony.

Yeah. Though considering I like it so much I'll have every reason to buy it, and you are allowed to use pirate copies for 60 days legally, not allowed to crack them, but I did anyway. I'm sure Microsoft will send out some ingenious update that breaks that crack and I'll finally probably buy a copy.


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