Author Topic: Make me not love Vista, go ahead, TRY  (Read 6205 times)


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Re: Make me not love Vista, go ahead, TRY
« Reply #15 on: 7 December 2008, 06:12 »
Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but as far as I know, there is as yet no software that runs in Vista that does not also run in XP.  Whether through compatibility modes or version forking, XP will probably be with us for a long time.  Not wishing to upgrade at this time is perfectly normal.  The businesses and universities I am familiar with haven't migrated yet.  In fact, static non-adoption has been a problem for Microsoft for quite some time now, as this article from 1998 proves:

Yer mum should get a Mac.  They're much more intuitive, graphically self-consistent, and generally require less abstract logic, and they're so easy to use that most people don't need any help.

Welcome to  Enjoy your stay, and don't bother censoring your own profanity - we don't mind cursing at all.


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Re: Make me not love Vista, go ahead, TRY
« Reply #16 on: 7 December 2008, 13:23 »
Hi and welcome to the forum.

Yes, we actually encourage the use of wonderful words such fuck here.:D

Kintaro was a troll and has been banned so don't pay any attention to his posts.

How did you find us by the way?
This is not a Windows help forum, however please do feel free to sign up and agree or disagree with our views on Microsoft.

Oh and FUCKMicrosoft! :fu:


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Re: Make me not love Vista, go ahead, TRY
« Reply #17 on: 7 December 2008, 15:56 »
I found this site by accident. I was researching battery chargers and stumbled across this site somehow.
There is no software I know of for vista but not xp, my point was that there will be someday. I remember software that was "xp only" that ran on 98 if you applied a hack to remove the lock...
As for my mum getting a mac, that seems just as bad. All she uses it for is occasional internet/email.

"took my graphics card from "fucked" to "kinda dodgy"" Ha, someone edited my post to put the swearing back, never thought that would happen! Its just automatic for me to censor stuff, some of the boards I go on it would not be welcome, and I have no wish to offend people that might have useful information.

Fuck micro$haft!

edit- Startrek blue screen, funny!
There are no stupid questions. Only stupid people.


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Re: Make me not love Vista, go ahead, TRY
« Reply #18 on: 9 December 2008, 00:04 »
It was me who did the edit. :D

We don't normally edit posts but I just thought it would be fun and harmless on this occasion.

Have you ever used a non-MS OS?

Here's the full-sized Star Trek BSOD.
This is not a Windows help forum, however please do feel free to sign up and agree or disagree with our views on Microsoft.

Oh and FUCKMicrosoft! :fu:


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Re: Make me not love Vista, go ahead, TRY
« Reply #19 on: 9 December 2008, 01:47 »
I used a mac for a while when I was at school. Didn't like it, but that was a long time ago. I have messed around with various linux distros, but never found it suitable for my main pc. I used slackware on a borrowed pc for about a year, I was at uni and my pc was fucked. I was using a friends old pc and it was too slow for xp. Although I appreciated the amount of control it gave me, I got annoyed at the difficulty of installing software. "Dependancy hell" Is the correct term I think. I understand that other linux's are easier, but, I recently tried ubuntu on my current system, It was no faster than xp, and with much poorer software support.
I find myself hypocritical sometimes. I hate microsoft, but I use there stuff anyway. I think the linux developer guys should come up with some sort of universal instalation method. I have made a few programs in C(not pretending to be sum ub3r 1337 haxor though), and I feel that if I struggle to do it, the "average user" has no chance. In my defence, if I knew how to use pirate XP I probably would. Not that I would ever admit it in a public place if I was using such a dirty, illegal thing......
What os do you guys use? I find it funny that I imagine a lot of people on "" are using microsoft software!
ps, I also used commodore 64 basic :)
pps, the missus has one of them crime programs on, and there playing NIN, yay!

"You fucking barsted's with all your fucking 1024x768 images that take fucking 5 miniutes to load on dialup... Webaster give a moderater permissions of this fucking "The Lounge" Thread..  Downloading can cost money... Now fucking fix all these up someone or i may just block the fucking domains.

What if i was in arachne 4 dos in 320x240/4 colors on an old palm top or somthing you fucking cunts.

bob the pic poster will he fix YES HE FUCKING WILL YOU BARSTED!"
From our friend kintaro! He seemed somewhat sensible in this thread, know I see why he was banned..

« Last Edit: 9 December 2008, 02:15 by bob_v5 »
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Re: Make me not love Vista, go ahead, TRY
« Reply #20 on: 9 December 2008, 12:28 »
Myself, I have 2 computers at the moment.  One runs Windows XP SP3, which I only use for one program, which is required for school.  Everything else is done on the Mac running 10.5 Leopard.  I have lots of experience with Slackware and Fedora, but don't currently have Linux installed at home.

Regarding the "universal installation method", a lot of people have wanted something like that.  But I think it is anathema to the Linux concept.  Within the Linux framework, people are encouraged to solve the same problem multiple times, because there's no standards org that says "We'll use this one".  So some guy invented rpm, and thought that was the ultimate be-all-end-all package manager.  Then some other guy came up with deb, and he thought that was the ultimate be-all-end-all package manager.  Which is right?  Both.  Or neither, if you like adding Slack tgz packages.  It's a crazy situation, but to enforce some kind of centralized standard would be to interfere with the independence of each individual developer.  That's the price you pay for the total freedom of Linux.

I used to think Macs sucked too, and they seriously did back in the days before OSX.  But nowdays, there's nothing out there that compares.  Every time I open the lid, I am impressed with what this computer is capable of.  When you consider the extensibility of BootCamp and MacPorts, the sky truly is the limit.


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Re: Make me not love Vista, go ahead, TRY
« Reply #21 on: 17 April 2009, 02:19 »
Yeah. Though considering I like it so much I'll have every reason to buy it, and you are allowed to use pirate copies for 60 days legally, not allowed to crack them, but I did anyway. I'm sure Microsoft will send out some ingenious update that breaks that crack and I'll finally probably buy a copy.

I thought the limit was 30 days?
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