All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

Make me not love Vista, go ahead, TRY

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Wouldn't that genuine advantage crap catch that? It is sent in auto-update form.


--- Quote ---I'm sure Microsoft will send out some ingenious update that breaks that crack and I'll finally probably buy a copy.
--- End quote ---

I just said that genius.

You can get around that. I usually do. (MINES NOT PIRATED) I just don't like the problems it causes.


--- Quote from: Kintaro on 15 August 2008, 07:58 ---Yeah. Though considering I like it so much I'll have every reason to buy it, and you are allowed to use pirate copies for 60 days legally, not allowed to crack them, but I did anyway. I'm sure Microsoft will send out some ingenious update that breaks that crack and I'll finally probably buy a copy.

--- End quote ---

There I go confusing you with Jack again.  DMCA covers that here, and I'd imagine the Berne Convention has some pretty strong disincentives to that behaviour.  Then again, Australia didn't exactly reject the Berne Convention, did it?  Perhaps my understanding of the interpretation is lax and deserves some correction.

I'm saying Microsoft don't seem to care for 60 days. You don't get asked to Activate for about that long. Every Windows product as far as I know is legally shareware nowadays.

The Australian Government is far too busy helping aboriginals gang rape children, locking out the cities past 2am, and appointing judges that give suspended sentences to sick fucks that gang rape retarded girls to worry about piracy.


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