Author Topic: Pidgin  (Read 5542 times)


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« on: 24 August 2008, 12:15 »
Why is this program becoming so unstable upon every new release? The last version crashed a lot and so does 2.5.0

I give them good bug reports and they just go completely ignored, they didn't fix the last one I reported and now there is a new one.

So much for Open Source and it's wonderful bug tracking. This is getting old


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Re: Pidgin
« Reply #1 on: 24 August 2008, 20:16 »
You mean this ticket?
Ticket #6738 has also been opened on this issue.
Probably can't hurt to follow these steps to get a valid debug log so the issue can be addressed more quickly.

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Re: Pidgin
« Reply #2 on: 25 August 2008, 00:14 »
*snip*Maybe you are not aware that Windows reports look highly different to Linux ones, I didn't use attachments like the other guy either. I only got the pidgin.RPT contents and posted them because you have to run under a commandline to get the other. Fuck that, I need desktop space - usually they don't need the other report anyway and if they do they request it.

Also, they are two different bugs READ THE VERSION NUMBERS. Mine got fixed, with my help or not I have no idea. A new one came along.

PS: the other debug log submitted in the ticket opened on A DIFFERENT ISSUE which might be what I am having contains nothing of interest, as usual.

« Last Edit: 25 August 2008, 16:40 by Lead Head »


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Re: Pidgin
« Reply #3 on: 25 August 2008, 05:21 »
PS: the other debug log submitted in the ticket opened on A DIFFERENT ISSUE which might be what I am having contains nothing of interest, as usual.
(emphasis added)

With that kind of attitude, I'm surprised you can find any software that meets your inconsistent and impractical expectations.


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Re: Pidgin
« Reply #4 on: 25 August 2008, 06:59 »
Quote from: Kintaro
Uhm, I did follow the fucking guide you moron.

Like hell you did.  You read the first step, did it, read the second step, and said - and I'm quoting directly here - "fuck this debugging bullshit I need my ass wiped for me"!

Quote from: Kintaro
Maybe you are not aware that Windows reports look highly different to Linux ones, I didn't use attachments like the other guy either.

Sweetheart, I was on Windows when you were still sucking your mother's tits.  The only thing I see there is a BSoD that puked all over what would've otherwise been a coherent bug report.

Quote from: Kintaro
I only got the pidgin.RPT contents and posted them because you have to run under a commandline to get the other. Fuck that, I need desktop space - usually they don't need the other report anyway and if they do they request it.

So you're going to withhold information because you don't REALLY want Pidgin to get fixed so that you have just cause to bitch about... IT NOT WORKING?  That's low, John, even for YOU.

Quote from: Kintaro
Also, they are two different bugs READ THE VERSION NUMBERS. Mine got fixed, with my help or not I have no idea. A new one came along.

Regressions never happen!  I must bitch about something so I'll bitch about how the version number in my sole bug report doesn't match up with the version number in a bug that RELATES TO PIDGIN CRASHING ON VISTA!  My 2.5.0 report got pulled for excessive fucktardedness so I guess I'll just copypasta my /b/ rant here!

Quote from: Kintaro
PS: the other debug log submitted in the ticket opened on A DIFFERENT ISSUE which might be what I am having contains nothing of interest, as usual.

No, I think I hit the money on this one, YOU NEED YOUR MEDS NOW.  As in YESTERDAY.  You're so goddamn incoherent that I honestly can't tell whether you're bashing an irrelevant debug log, your inherent disinterest in any functional solutions to your problem (MEDS WORK IF YOU LET THEM), or some lame attempt at bashing me.  Keep at it, though - I rather enjoy your little bouts of idiocy. 

Refalm, maybe you should note who started this shitstorm and why letting this continue is such a bad idea.

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Re: Pidgin
« Reply #5 on: 25 August 2008, 07:21 »
Play nice kids..........

I don't have to much of a problem with pidgin, doesn't crash on me, but I cannot figure out why when they did the change from GAIM to Pidgin, they decided to change the little icons next to your buddy's name. Instead of showing the icon to whatever IM client they were under, they just show a little gay ass green dot.


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Re: Pidgin
« Reply #6 on: 25 August 2008, 08:10 »
So you're going to withhold information because you don't REALLY want Pidgin to get fixed so that you have just cause to bitch about... IT NOT WORKING?  That's low, John, even for YOU.


Quote from: Pidgin wiki
If asked to obtain a debug log, the following steps will help you do so.

The debug log just says whatever pidgin was doing, pidgin.RPT is your backtrace. I was prepared to get the debug log, if they asked, as always, and trust me: I've submitted fuckloads of bugs just like I did and they got fixed.

There is rarely anything useful to be found in a debug log, period. Calm the fuck down.

Refalm, maybe you should note that the Pidgin wiki says you will be asked for a debug log if you want one. Then you will do nothing and go about your day and hopefully have a nice one.
« Last Edit: 25 August 2008, 08:18 by Kintaro »


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Re: Pidgin
« Reply #7 on: 25 August 2008, 08:19 »
Quote from: Kintaro
Calm the fuck down.

We've had this discussion before, I know we have.  It's not what you're saying, it's the disrespect that you continually use to deliver it that makes for a hostile response.  One's left to wonder whether that's not your original intent; since you're intentionally goading members into that type of response, I'm left to wonder why you're still here.  Honestly, this is the state where you scare me, and I doubt I'm alone.  Either you're doing this to be an attention whore - which, quite frankly, sickens me - or you're in genuine need of psychiatric care.  Either way, I'm quite done with reacting to someone so steadfastly determined to blackening the good name of /b/ with bullshit that belongs in /r/.

EDIT: For the record, copypasta-ing large chunks of Rand doesn't make you an intellectual.  It makes you a bloody plagiarist.
« Last Edit: 25 August 2008, 08:21 by Orethrius »

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Re: Pidgin
« Reply #8 on: 25 August 2008, 08:29 »
Quote from: Kintaro
Calm the fuck down.

We've had this discussion before, I know we have.  It's not what you're saying, it's the disrespect that you continually use to deliver it that makes for a hostile response.  One's left to wonder whether that's not your original intent; since you're intentionally goading members into that type of response, I'm left to wonder why you're still here.  Honestly, this is the state where you scare me, and I doubt I'm alone.  Either you're doing this to be an attention whore - which, quite frankly, sickens me - or you're in genuine need of psychiatric care.  Either way, I'm quite done with reacting to someone so steadfastly determined to blackening the good name of /b/ with bullshit that belongs in /r/.

EDIT: For the record, copypasta-ing large chunks of Rand doesn't make you an intellectual.  It makes you a bloody plagiarist.

What are you on about now? Can you post something relevant to the topic again. To the best of what I've read it says you will be asked for a debug log. They're not required from what I read on the site, either I have misunderstanding or you have a misunderstanding. However, going offtopic and talking about all this crap to do with Rand isn't going to solve the misunderstanding.


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Re: Pidgin
« Reply #9 on: 25 August 2008, 08:46 »
What are you on about now? Can you post something relevant to the topic again. To the best of what I've read it says you will be asked for a debug log. They're not required from what I read on the site, either I have misunderstanding or you have a misunderstanding. However, going offtopic and talking about all this crap to do with Rand isn't going to solve the misunderstanding.


 - Lead Head
« Last Edit: 25 August 2008, 16:37 by Lead Head »

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Re: Pidgin
« Reply #10 on: 25 August 2008, 08:56 »
Let's drop all this "calm the fuck down" and "TAKE YOUR MEDS" and Rand then shall we.

* The wiki says you are not REQUIRED to make a debug log. The debug log contains little of interest usually. The debug log on that ticket you shown me, has nothing of interest either.
* My report was for a different bug to the ticket you posted, in a different version.

Please stop rambling about whatever it is and just refute those points.


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Re: Pidgin
« Reply #11 on: 25 August 2008, 12:38 »
What are you on about now? Can you post something relevant to the topic again. To the best of what I've read it says you will be asked for a debug log. They're not required from what I read on the site, either I have misunderstanding or you have a misunderstanding. However, going offtopic and talking about all this crap to do with Rand isn't going to solve the misunderstanding.

I posted something relevant to the topic.  Your response was essentially a giant, outstretched middle finger.  I responded in like kind, to which you tell me to "calm the fuck down".  How's this one work for you?

I can't believe how much I loled when I saw this post.

I laughed at you both. Kuntardo for being so pathetic and you for allowing him to wind you up.

You just have to accept that people like him will be hostile and call you bad names; if you don't like it don't talk to them.
« Last Edit: 25 August 2008, 16:37 by Lead Head »
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Re: Pidgin
« Reply #12 on: 25 August 2008, 13:23 »
I really wasn't trying to wind him up, I didn't think the word moron could be found so offensive. I can't believe a man finds it so difficult to say "Oh, those bug reports are for different things, my bad."

I can't believe its so hard to say "Oh, I didn't know the debug log wasn't of extreme importance, my bad." or "Oh, but the debug report is essential because of X and Y," in which I can say: "Oh sorry, my bad."


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Re: Pidgin
« Reply #13 on: 25 August 2008, 13:33 » - valid report, no debug log. - valid report, no debug log. - valid report, no debug log.


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Re: Pidgin
« Reply #14 on: 25 August 2008, 14:53 »
i was quite surprised to receive a reported post notification about this thread since i didn't know i was still a moderator!

anyway, as far as i can see there's nothing wrong with this thread that needs moderated.

On a personal note, i think the discussion here could have been more civilised, if that's what you really all want, but if you're all happy to communicate at this level, then that's fine too. Fair enough, kintaro's attitude may be a factor in this but to be honest i think it is more other people's prejudices about kintaro that have caused this thread to go off topic.

just my 2p worth.
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