Miscellaneous > Intellectual Property & Law

Joe Biden

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Dude, he is still chairman of the board, what is this about "used to."

Anyway, even if Laukev7 is right and Bilderberg or the Illuminati or the Freemasons rig the elections so Obama wins... as far as I'm concerned John McCain is so fucked this basically makes the Bilderberg Group heros.

The pathetic thing is both candidates offer meager tax cuts to fix the economy, and this won't last with America's low interest rates. The real problem is those rates being so low that is causing the severe inflation. I won't say a rise will be pretty either, but it would be a hell of a lot prettier than what will happen if the rates stay as is. The rates should go up and the taxes should go down to help people handle it. Barnake doesn't know what he is doing and I bet Greenspan is lulzing somewhere for letting it get this way in the first place while all you American shmucks called it prosperity.

Gates might be on the board, but he has handed daytoday running of the company to someone else.  Hence, "used to".

I think it's kinda sad that the worst thing you can say about McCain is that he came up with a stupid idea 7 years ago.  He's come up with plenty of stupider ideas 7 weeks ago, 7 hours ago.

Oh, and your focus on financial issues is way out of line with American voters.  They don't know who Greenspan was, and they really don't care.  As long as money continues to buy things, all that shit is considered to be worked out.  American voters are way more interested in social issues.  McCain earned $7 million in donations in 1 day after selecting MILF Sarah Palin as his VP, because she is a hardline anti-abortion, anti-environment, anti-drug, and anti-gay Republican.  Honestly, since both candidates are spouting the same energy policy bullshit, this election is going to come down to 2 questions:

- Do we want a black man to be president?
- Which candidate has less in common with George W. Bush?

Interest rates don't figure in at all.

For the most part I couldn't give a fuck about who wins the US election - I ignore most of it.

One thing that grabbed my attention was how much of a nutjob Sarah Palin seems to be. She believes in all that creationalist bullshit which is why I hope McCain never wins.

She's a nutjob, alright.  But the not-at-all-secret group of radical fundamentalists that want to turn the US into a Christian state really like her - hence the huge donations.

This election is like a bike


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