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win 3.14

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I noticed another thread about win 3.14. I didn't read it cause i'm lazy. But, if anyone wants win 3.14 or MS-Dos 6, i might be able to find a copy around here. Just let me know. I got some games for it too. I got kasparov's gambit (chess game), i got buch of kid's games that are prety good if your 5.  I might have an old version of wordperfect and paint shop too.

I got an 8088 and i was wondering what kinds of OS can i put on it that is not DOS and where can i get it? bwt, the original frogger kicked ass.

well, i would quite like to get windows 3.11 and run it over the top of freedos.

As to what OS you can run on an old machine, i'm not sure what versions, but i heard linux was pretty resourceful on minimal hardware, of course you won't get it to be superflash by today's standards, anybody elaborate on this?

Also, X11 was going on about an implementation of the X11 graphical environment which runs on DOS, so you could get FreeDOS, or OpenDOS, both of which are opensource projects made with an aim to being binary compatible with M$DOS, and then you could get this X11 port and run it over the top, for a totally M$ free graphical computing experience post to say how you get on with it, because i for one would be interested to know...

Why the fuck would you need any version of DOS nowadays?  :D

you might have a tiny little hard drive on an ancient machine, and want to run an OS that can make the machine run to its full capabilities. I personally haven't heard of any easy linux distros that would easily go on , say a 50Mb hard drive, and still support a GUI, are there any?

if not, then a free DOS, with a GUI, either this X11 clone, or an old windows 3 would be fine.

So if FreeDOS is crap, what about OpenDOS, and DR-DOS, are they okay?

If that's the case Calum, then I agree with you. The only version of DOS I've ever had was unfortunately MS-DOS (yak) on an '89 Sinclair 200 PC. I also did some BASIC and GWBASIC programming on that machine at the time. Well, it looked cool back then but I was only 12 yrs old  :D


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