All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

win 3.14

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I thought i had a copy of win 3.11, but i don't. However, my dad does, but its on 5 1/4 disks. I can try to make disk images or copy file to net. Unless it conflicts with your anti piracy pollicy.

It wouldn't conflict with "our" anti-piracy policies, but it would conflict with M$s.  Why don't you cut 1-3/4" off of two perpendicular sides of the disks so they work in a 3-1/2 in drive?

Master of Reality:
actually... if you get a magnet, rub it against the disk, then rub it against your hard drive, it will transfer the files for you.

[ June 24, 2002: Message edited by: Master of Reality / Bob ]

yes, wonder click transfer (tm)/*yes (tm) not like umm    
( 0 | 0 )*/

owell, i heard that minix will run on 8088
i dont think linux runs on anything lower then a 386/*its a 32+ bit os  ;)  */

Master of Reality:
Lunix (a type of Unix) will run on a Commodore 64/128


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