Miscellaneous > Applications

Firefox 3

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I've just got Firefox 3 and it's quite good.

I like the way it now zooms images and Macromedia flashes and doesn't loose your downloads between sessions.

I'm still going to use Opera most of the time though because I love speed dial too much. I know it could be implemented by designing my own custom home page but with Opera I don't have to bother.

I hate that zoom does images and shit now, I just want to get text so I can read a long article sitting back in my chair - I didn't want it pushed into a horizontal scrollbar. There should be an option for just text or both and there isn't. It's kinda pathetic.

So what's your favourite browser now?

You obviously don't know how to use it properly because there's an option to zoom just text.

Firefox 3 is my favorite browser, my second favorite is a tie between IE7 and Safari. Both those have an annoying issue where they ignore middle clicks if a javascript says a link should open in a new Window, both Microsoft and Apple have not put much thought into my middle mouse button.

IE7 is easily one of the most secure browsers around without running untrusted ActiveX.

I've been using Firefox3 as my primary browser since a month before it's release.  I had tried using the alphas and betas, but there was an essential feature missing on the Mac - keyboard shortcuts like cut and paste didn't work in dialog boxes.  It was fixed in the first release candidates, and I've been using it ever since.

Just about the only thing I don't like about Firefox3 is the default theme.  The default for the Windows version is actually very nice looking, but the Mac default is this hideous all-brushed aluminum thing.  I've been cruising for replacement themes, and I picked up a Camino clone last night which I am very pleased with.

Other browsers I have installed: Safari, Sea Monkey, Camino, Firefox Minefield (custom built), Amaya, Flock, Opera, and Webkit (test build of Safari).  They mostly get used for testing stuff.


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