Miscellaneous > Applications

Firefox 3

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Extensions I use, most of which would be kinda silly to include as basic browser features:
Colorful Tabs
Copy Link Text
DOM Inspector
Download Statusbar
Duplicate Tab
Faviconize Tab
Palette Grabber
Tab Scope
Web Developer Toolbar


--- Quote from: worker201 on  2 September 2008, 02:02 ---Similarly, I don't want those crappy features in my browser, which is why I'd rather have an infinitely extendable browser rather than relying on a shitload of useless overhead.

--- End quote ---
With Opera I don't need any extensions and the browser alone is still smaller.

However, generally I'd a agree that extensions are a good thing, it's just the way they've been implemented in Firefox is pretty poor in my opinion.

I tried IE8 beta 2 today, nothing seems that interesting about it or new.

Well, the developers of IE wanted this:

But as always, the upper management doesn't like Microsoft employees doing innovation.

I know a lot of people who got scared of the IE7 interface and moved to Firefox so I can see why. People just don't like change.


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