Miscellaneous > Applications

Firefox 3

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Testing what? Other peoples websites? I'm not aware of you doing any design.

I don't exactly have a mailing list that I send out to announce my personal projects (many of which are experimental).  For the most part, though, having that many browsers is kinda ridiculous, even for someone who is doing professional design contracting.

Lead Head:

--- Quote from: Aloone_Jonez on 29 August 2008, 17:07 ---I've just got Firefox 3 and it's quite good.

I like the way it now zooms images and Macromedia flashes and doesn't loose your downloads between sessions.

I'm still going to use Opera most of the time though because I love speed dial too much. I know it could be implemented by designing my own custom home page but with Opera I don't have to bother.

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Funny you say that, someone wrote a speed-dial add-on for FireFox  (Y)

I just looked up the Firefox Mac theme, it does not look to bad, but it looks like they tried way to hard to make it look like Safari.

And Safari looks like shit.

(so does osx)


--- Quote from: Lead Head on  1 September 2008, 17:20 ---I just looked up the Firefox Mac theme, it does not look to bad, but it looks like they tried way to hard to make it look like Safari.

--- End quote ---

I just get sick and tired of the grey and metal sometimes.  I want some color in my browser.


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