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I was going to quote the article but I got one of those Internal Server Errors because Apache still hasn't been fixed (gotta love free software!)
How do you know it's Apache and not the same retarded bug that fucked up when I mentioned pedophiles and little girls?
Anyway, I believe th iPhone is useless unless it's unlocked.
It is the same retarded bug, and it's either Apache (open source), PHP (open source), or SMF (open source). Most likely by the type of error, it's something incredibly odd with Apache.
--- Quote ---Anyway, I believe th iPhone is useless unless it's unlocked.
--- End quote ---
I believe Linux is useless. Always.
I believe PHP 5 is the cause of that bug. I have SMF on my other server, but it doesn't produce the error, and it runs on PHP 4. Whatever.
I believe Ubuntu in particular is doing a great job at distributing its distro only on CD-ROM.
Not because of space, or time to download an ISO (although its a plus), but because they offer you only one application for every feature most of the time. I remember Mandriva only available on DVD, and had not only Konqueror installed as default browser, but a few others as well, just to offer choice. Apart from Konqueror actually being user-unfriendly, simply looking for Internet in the menu would offer choices that boggles your mind when you're a first on Linux. My aunt that lives on the country side doesn't want choice, she wants the web.
But even in Ubuntu, there is choice. So... you want Windows Media Player movies to work? Have fun making a choice between totem-mozilla-plugin, mplayer-plugin, xine-backend, vlc-mozilla, etc. If that even gave me some thought, imagine what that must be like for the avarage user.
Linus Torvalds recently complained that Gnome offered too little configurability. With that kind of attitude, Linux is a few more years away from becomming ready for the desktop, and it's beginning to make some progress in actually getting it installed on laptops.
It shouldn't be hard to choose for newbs who just use totem surely?
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