Operating Systems > Linux and UNIX

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linux will never be "ready for the desktop" in the sense that it will be watertight for windoids.

This is because windoids are stupid. Their operating systems have educated them all to fuck away from sensible and logical computer use.

Linux systems spend an incredible amount of resource trying to emulate the contorted and convoluted rubbish that windows has made everybody get used to. That's the main reason why there's so many rough edges and things that windoids can't quite figure out.

The secondary reason is that with all this extra configurability (which linux users often want to hold onto, for historical/social reasons) it's easy for a windoid to fuck everything up purely by not knowing their arse from their elbow. Computers are not toasters. Sorry, but if you're going to fuck up a computer, don't blame the computer, or its system.

On the other hand there's an army of people who know they will fuck up a computer as soon as look at it, and that's the gap in the market. MS Windows can't fill this gap, or linux would be dead in the water already as a replacement concept for MS Windows, so all linux vendors need to do is fucking release a distro that isn't full of ifs and buts and which doesn't take weeks to set up to your favourite specifications.

ubuntu's not there, fedora's not there, mandriva's not there...

We've been having this discussion for years and years and years. Why has this not happened by now? Possibly because linux vendors are all geeks, more interested in pushing that envelope than actually making something that will actually compete with MS Windows.

Apple have been doing a better job of this for years than any linux distro, and they are fighting an uphill battle with price, linux doesn't have this problem, quite the opposite. If it made the effort, it could be "ready for the desktop" in a matter of months.


--- Quote from: Kintaro on  1 September 2008, 12:58 ---It shouldn't be hard to choose for newbs who just use totem surely?

--- End quote ---
My neece: "What's Totem? I like Indians too, LOL"

I believe you're forgetting that she doesn't give a shit what the program is called.
She clicked on an AVI, and a movie started to play.

vlc's better anyway. or mplayer. none of them play *everything* properly.

and that's the geek factor. Make it damn well work and then make it simpler and easier to use. THEN distribute it.


--- Quote from: Calum on  1 September 2008, 15:01 ---On the other hand there's an army of people who know they will fuck up a computer as soon as look at it, and that's the gap in the market. MS Windows can't fill this gap, or linux would be dead in the water already as a replacement concept for MS Windows, so all linux vendors need to do is fucking release a distro that isn't full of ifs and buts and which doesn't take weeks to set up to your favourite specifications.

ubuntu's not there, fedora's not there, mandriva's not there...
--- End quote ---
Maybe they should get a Mac, your description of this persona fits their target:

And what about this one? I installed it on my laptop recently, and they're coming close:
It's taking Ubuntu's efforts to make Linux not suck even further. It's basically an improved Ubuntu. It's easier to use, has non-free codecs installed by default, has a Vista-style main menu, and it has a theme that isn't ugly as fuck.

mplayer is a fucking joke. On a widescreen, mplayer will happily stretch the whole picture out of aspect ratio if its 4:3, and vise-versa if it's a 16:9 video and your monitor is 4:3. It has been this way for YEARS.


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