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quote:Oh, forgot.. I don't know what leap FTP is, but FTP, the real one, is a part of all Linux distributions. It's simple and straight forward. You have to learn about 5 simple commands. Use it to upload or download your files.
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well, i don't know what leapftp is either, but to be fair the commandline version of ftp comes with all versions of win32 i have ever heard of too.
I imagine leapftp is something like WS_ftp yes? some GUI a bit like a file manager window, so you can drag and drop etc, well i always use gftp however i have heard that konqueror (the standard browser in the K desktop environment, it comes with most linuxes) has a similar ftp functionality to that of internet explorer. also, might i add that a similar GUI program exists for windows, which is totally open source, called filezilla.
by the way, come along and have a browse through the information at because a lot of yr questions are answered there, about what open source is, how secure it is etc, you might like to see this powerpoint presentation too (it is available as an openoffice presentation on the site there). Incidentally, this microsoft powerpoint presentation was made entirely using open source non-microsoft software, in linux with
Also, do read a few of the FAQ entries at also for some more detailed answers about these issues.
[ June 04, 2003: Message edited by: Calum ]
quote: Let's look at those Linux counterparts, shall we:
1) Adobe Photoshop. Now you have 2 options for this. Either use Crossover Office from Codeweavers, which is a commercial product with 30 day evaluation period and which can also run M$ Office natively in Linux, or use Gimp, which is a competely "free" image manipulation program, that comes with virtually any Linux distribution.
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You might want to check out this topic : topic
Gimp does not support amongst other things CMYK. To say it is an alternative for Photoshop is not correct. It may be very good but it is not an alternative.
Thanks for the info guys, I like the idea of a test box alot.
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