All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
quote:Originally posted by Emiko:
a. Adobe Photoshop
b. Some games ( Anarchy Online, SWG perhaps )
c. Macromedia Dreamweaver for html/notepad )
d. Leap FTP for uploading edited webfiles
Also my internet connection under windows, as it applies to my Adsl.
My concerns are:
a. Will I beable to use these programs under Linux?
b. if not what is the alternatives?
c. ( self explanatory fear of the unknowns )
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Photoshop... some say Gimp, I say depends what you use PS for.
It's free and worth a look at.
Games. I haven't the remotest idea.
Dreamweaver... not really any replacement, again depends how much you delve into the program.
Notepad is horrible. Try Programmer's Notepad . This I suggest you just do now, the sooner you drop notepad the better you life will be. And it's a good intro to OSS for you.
There is WINE that can (more cannot) run MS Windows programs - I don't know anymore than that.
Linux and ASDL, depends on your provider. Ask them what they can offer you. If they can't I'd shop around abit, you never know you may find a better one.
PS. I mean it about notepad, ditch it asap -
looks alot like uedit32
Ok, just keep in mind that this site is a very hardline fanatical anti-MS place. I used to think people should help those who come here with their Wind0ze problems, but now I've changed... I no longer care one way or the other! Help, MES is consuming me...
About ADSL, do you use an external or internal ADSL modem? If you use internal, you will probably encounter problems unless your ISP is willing to help you out alot(and it's possible that no amount of help from an ISP can help, not sure on this), or perhaps your modem maker offers Linux drivers. If you use external ADSL, you should have a good chance with using Linux. My brother told me that Redhat 9 detected and configured his cable internet connection without any trouble. He shares a connection with two other people, I'm not really sure of all the details though.
quote:What the fuck? sorry I don't understand most of your post. I advise you consider the difference between a MAC and a Mac(intosh) though. I was a bit confused about how you couldn't afford a MAC, when I got mine for $3 (cheap network card). I must either appologize for my stupidity, or ask you to clarify a little of what you said.
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I must agree. Let's just flame anyone who spells that all important a and c in uppercase. I mean it's just so damn important to make sure we know what we're all talking about here because It's just so hard to guess what she means right? I mean it took me like *ages* to work out Emiko was talking about Apple Mac's. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
quote:I must either appologize for my stupidity, or ask you to clarify a little of what you said.
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There's no clarification necessary - do the first thing you said.
quote:1. I have pretty much a airtight routine for installing the programs I use on a regular basis, under Windows XP.
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Installing isn't too difficult under Red Hat / Mandrake. For the "standard" aps (really anything other than games) all you have to do is pick em out of a menu, hit "install" and then the OS will ask for the relevant CD and do all the work itself. For the more esoteric programs you should be able to find RPM's - installing these is really just a double click and the rest is easy questions.
quote:a. Adobe Photoshop
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The GIMP! I'm not a high paid graphics dude so I can't comment on whether it's as commercialy useful but I've used both it and photoshop, and to an "end user" like me there is not much difference. If you're paid to design graphics you might want to get a second opinion but I quite like the GIMP.
quote:b. Some games ( Anarchy Online, SWG perhaps )
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NFI. Star Wars Galaxies isn't even out yet is it? The info for native support if it exists will be on their site. Wine and WineX can run games, but can be hard to set up.
quote:c. Macromedia Dreamweaver for html/notepad )
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I'm sitting at a Mac OSX PC now and I have access to both Mozillas web designer and Dreamweaver MX. I like Mozilla better. No "wizards" though if that's what you want but really I can't tell too much difference. You can see for yourself what the Mozilla version is like by grabbing the windows version at
quote:d. Leap FTP for uploading edited webfiles
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FTP apps we can also do quite well. ;)
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