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Microsoft patents pgup and pgdn

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Also this patent isn't on the keys, it's on the functions that make them do anything.

Lord C:

--- Quote ---A large number of different organizations have claimed ownership of patents necessary to implement MP3 (decoding and/or encoding). These different claims have led to a number of legal threats and actions from a variety of sources, resulting in uncertainty about what is necessary to legally create products with MP3 support in countries where those patents are valid.
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I think they are just playing it safe on the mp3 side of things, because there have already been active threats etc.

To me, it's a minor point installing ubuntu-restricted-extras. I think it would be nice if it was a tickbox option during install or something, for the newbs.

Regarding the PGUP/DWN buttons. Bleh! I can't see anything changing. It's rediculous. How can someone patent the use of keys that come as standard on most keyboards these days? I'm sure if MS tried to bully companies, the patent would be appealed and denied =]

I think we should just ditch the whole idea of software patents. I think they are a stupid idea. They just halt the progression of new software O-o

Heh, I never even use those keys in the first place.


--- Quote from: Kintaro on  1 September 2008, 10:14 ---

--- Quote ---An anonymous reader notes that Microsoft has been granted a patent on "Page Up" and "Page Down" keystrokes. The article links an image of an IBM PC keyboard from 1981 with such keys in evidence.

 "The software giant applied for the patent in 2005, and was granted it on August 19, 2008. US patent number 7,415,666 describes 'a method and system in a document viewer for scrolling a substantially exact increment in a document, such as one page, regardless of whether the zoom is such that some, all or one page is currently being viewed.'... The company received its 5,000th patent from the US Patent and Trademark Office in March 2006, and is currently approaching the 10,000 mark."

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Lol, whatever next? Microsoft pattents oral sex? Well it's all good when a woman goes down on me but when Windows goes down on me it's horrible. ;)

It's either that or stupidity. I have a feeling they will patent both.


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