Author Topic: America, FUCK YEAH!  (Read 909 times)


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America, FUCK YEAH!
« on: 1 September 2008, 22:00 »
[04:08] lolliejoytx: want to hear an American story of ultimate fail?
[04:08] Kintaron00d: sure
[04:09] Kintaron00d: ill make a coffee while you tell
[04:09] lolliejoytx: a woman's house is going to be auctioned the next day for foreclosure...
[04:09] lolliejoytx: so she faxes a letter to the lender, saying that by the time they foreclose, she'll be dead because she intends to kill herself over the foreclosure
[04:09] lolliejoytx: so she does
[04:10] lolliejoytx: and she left her family a note, saying to use her life insurance payout to save the house from the foreclosure
[04:10] lolliejoytx: the police get called, she is dead
[04:10] lolliejoytx: Fail = American life insurance companies don't pay out when the death is a result of suicide
[04:10] lolliejoytx: so the family lost the mom/wife & the house lol
[04:12] Kintaron00d: oh god thats stupid
[04:12] Kintaron00d: you'd think she would read her policy


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Re: America, FUCK YEAH!
« Reply #1 on: 1 September 2008, 22:19 »
Are you insinuating that life insurance policies do pay for suicides in other countries?  Or that because this woman was American, she failed to read her insurance policy?  If it's the former, that is kinda surprising.  If it's the latter, well, Kenyans and Koreans sometimes don't read their insurance policies either.


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Re: America, FUCK YEAH!
« Reply #2 on: 2 September 2008, 01:43 »
Yeah but not when they are going to kill themselves. Only Americans do that. This is scientific evidence.