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Obama vs McCain
--- Quote ---As it has been largely indifferent to her.
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I just looked Michelle up thinking her life was a terrible struggle by your comment there. She went to fucking Princeton, graduated cum-laude, she got to become a lawyer. I'd hate to say it but not a large amount of middle class kids like her get to grow up like that. Sounds like America has done a lot for her actually, and she needs to stop BITCHING.
If for a little patriotism you need to have a dictator position handed to your husband by a mob, I'd say you really are asking too much.
--- Quote from: Kintaro on 3 September 2008, 10:33 ---I'd say if you only love a country when it's people give your husband a chance to rule over other people your love is not wanted.
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She specifically stated that her "love" was not directly related to her husband's success.
Here's another metaphor for you: her patriotism is like a stereotypical Jewish mother's love for her children. Of course she loves her children, that's so everyday that it ends up being taken for granted. But when the daughter becomes a doctor, or the son marries a nice girl from a good family, there is a totally different kind of pride that the mother has. From this perspective, even rednecks are strati-patriotic. They love their country everyday, but the love is different on July 4th and when they visit Pearl Harbor.
FYI, you can be very successful and still be aware that other people are being systematically denied opportunities for success. Being an intelligent ivy-league lawyer doesn't mean all your speeches should start with "The rest of you are kinda fucked, but I don't care, cuz I'm successful."
The only thing I see systematically denying people success are policies like those of her husband.
--- Quote ---Expand Use of Drug Courts
Obama will give first-time, non-violent offenders a chance to serve their sentence, where appropriate, in the type of drug rehabilitation programs that have proven to work better than a prison term in changing bad behavior.
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Oh man I have to love this. Instead of just ENDING DRUG LAWS, the mentally ill will now cop the punishment because junkies will get thrown into state hospitals and cause havoc. Something I've witnessed in Australia with my own damn eyes.
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