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Not all Windows viruses are bad you know!!!


For MS i am using now win98,,,cause it runs ALL my freaking games. Its my bitch when i dont run RH 7.1,,,anyway,,,i disabled my AV program and surfed the net....i got a bunch of viruses,,,,9 all together.
I burned them in a CD and now I will start collecting viruses that my box gets.

Funny thing is i got a virus now that does this.
When i open IE and try to browse around,,a BEEEEP noise starts and the browser vanishes,,,muhahahahahahaha someone out there knew what he was doing.

Master of Reality:
i was thinking about setting about a specific windows machine just for collecting viri (or is it viru?), i will have yet another extra shitty machine in a couple weeks to do that with.  

actually i looked into the "plural of virus" thing quite extensively, and found that
yes it is a latin word, not greek,
and the actual plural, if applying proper latin to it is "virus".

In English, different rules apply and "viruses" is also correct. In general, words that remain unchanged in english from their root language are allowed to be configured in bothe the original and the english way, so you can say both and still be correct. Anything else though, while it may be amusing, is incorrect.

one virus, two viruses, three virus.
all of those are okay.

four virodes, five virii, six viru
all of those are extremely suspect...

Topic: Not all Windows viruses are bad you know!!!
--- End quote ---
I reckon windows viruses are great, as they show up what a virus trap windows really is!

[ March 28, 2002: Message edited by: Calum ]

true virus its not a greek word,,,,the greek word for it is "Mikrovio"

if im referring to one virus I say 'virus' if its 2 then i say 'viruses' if is 3 or more I say 'virii'.

Thats how I say it - Sod latin - thats ME.


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