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Bill Gates Worst Nightmare

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Lead Head:

--- Quote from: Refalm on 25 September 2008, 17:00 ---
--- Quote from: SiMuLaCrUm on 25 September 2008, 15:43 ---His worst nightmare? He wakes up and sees that every computer in his house has been replaced with a Mac.

--- End quote ---
Actually, that would be his wet dream. From the creation of Windows 1.0, Bill has took great effort to copy Mac OS.

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Thats a good way to look at things.

I remember reading some e-mails between Billy G and the rest of the developers about windows XP, and its usability. Bill was pretending to be the average user, and he actually became quite frustrated with XP and the microsoft website trying to find Windows Movie Maker. Was interesting to see that gates himself seems quite aware of the usability issues of windows.


--- Quote from: Lead Head on 25 September 2008, 22:03 ---I remember reading some e-mails between Billy G and the rest of the developers about windows XP, and its usability. Bill was pretending to be the average user, and he actually became quite frustrated with XP and the microsoft website trying to find Windows Movie Maker. Was interesting to see that gates himself seems quite aware of the usability issues of windows.

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Steve Jobs does that too - poke holes in designers' interfaces, pushing them to do better.  Of course when Jobs does it, visionary yet useful products get developed.  When Gates does it, there doesn't seem to be much effect.

Not quite on topic, but close enough, is this old joke:

--- Quote ---So, Bill Gates dies, and goes to Heaven, and he meets up with Saint Peter, and says "Hey, it's Bill, I'm just going to go on in." And Saint Peter says, "Sorry Bill, everyone is equal here. You need to stand in line like everyone else."

Begrudgingly, Bill walks to the end of the enormous line, but as he's waiting to get into Heaven, a limo drives up, and there in the limo is Steve Jobs! Now, Bill is furious, so he walks up to Saint Peter and complains, "Hey! I thought you said everyone was equal here! I just saw Steve Jobs roll in with a limo!"

Saint Peter laughs and responds, "Oh no, that wasn't Steve Jobs. That was God - he only thinks he's Steve Jobs."
--- End quote ---

A similar joke was circulating in Denver many years ago, with God thinking he was Broncos quarterback John Elway as the punchline.  A good joke teller can reuse this same concept over and over again in pretty much any situation.

Wait, isn't Steve Jobs a complete asshat? This is the guy that chants "DEVELOPERS" over and over again after all...


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