All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
Win 98 SE Boot Disk
This POS computer I am trying to install Windows 98 on can't boot from a CDROM. Or maybe it can, but the BIOS is fucking locked with a password that is long forgotten so I can't check.
Is there a way to make a Windows 98 SE setup boot floppy from scratch? Or is that against their fucking EULA and I now have to buy another copy (which I won't).
And before you ask, I AM going to install Linux (Mandrake, to be specific) as well on a seporate partition, it's just that I have to share a computer with a shit for brains sister who only seems to hate Linux because I like it, and hell, she can't agree with me on ANYTHING...(unfortunatly, my mother also sides with her, so making it pure Linux is out of the question. Goddamn shame, I had to reformat a RH 7.3 partition just to make her happy.)
Any ideas? I don't want to sign up for another forum just to ask a simple question.
[ October 10, 2002: Message edited by: AlexMax ]
Tell your mother and sister to sign up on another forum to ask the question. When they get done getting the Winblows installed, come back and we'll help you get Linux installed.
Gooseberry Clock:
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If none of those work, then try !Bios. If that doesn't work, then try booting up while holding down keys such as Insert, Delete, Home, etc. That should erase the CMOS.
there might well be a jumper or switch of some sort inside the case that you can reset. Then when you switch on the machine, it will automatically go into the BIOS so that you can set up the settings. Might be worth a try.
Sounds like windows is fucked, leave a blank partition of 2 or 3 gigabytes at the start of the drive when you install linux, and let your mother and your sister sort it out. remember to keep a boot disk for linux kicking around so you can still boot into it when windows rudely overwrites your master boot record.
A suggestion. Tell your parents they will have to buy new stuff. And tell them..well with linux I can get that on, but not windows, without a new computer - or something. When they have to find money people start to think then. Of course it may not work and they will end up will XP.
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