All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
Win 98 SE Boot Disk
more fool them, at least it won't be infecting the linux machine...
quote:Originally posted by Calum:
there might well be a jumper or switch of some sort inside the case that you can reset. Then when you switch on the machine, it will automatically go into the BIOS so that you can set up the settings. Might be worth a try.
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Such a jumper is usually marked reset or clear password or something. You can also yank the battery out for 20 minutes but you will have to reset everything in the bios. If I were you, I'd get control of my bios. Forget the boot floppys.
However, if you insist on the boot floppy thing, there is a boot floppy image on the Win98 CDROM somewhere. I know, I made one for my dual boot system. You can also find them on the net with google. YOu will need dd or rawrite to make the floppy.
[ October 12, 2002: Message edited by: M. O'Brien ]
It's probably against the forum rules to help with Windows problems, but y not?
Any Windows 9x cd cannot boot from CD
if u still need a bootdisk though visit
p.s. *whispers*use linux ;)
[ October 12, 2002: Message edited by: Engineer ]
quote:Originally posted by M. O'Brien:
You can also yank the battery out for 20 minutes but you will have to reset everything in the bios
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