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Ubuntu 8.04 Review

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While I don't have a phone capable of that, I can check if it is available.

So far I'm really liking it. Told me I had updates when I logged in for the first time. Automatically detected both my network and sound card. It also detected the ATI video card, and gave me the option to install the latest driver. It did not automatically install it because the ati drivers are not "free"

Out of the box it has a couple of photo, picture and sound editing programs. However no video editing program. OpenOffice is installed though.

ATI driver performance isn't that great however. About 8200 FPS in GLX Gears, according to what I've found, I should be getting double or more then that.

How many OSes ship with video editing apps?
Ubuntu can't ship too much because it is committed to being just 1 CD. A major advantage to Ubuntu I think. The best of both words may be nice, and the Ubuntu development community might be open to your ideas.

It's 11 days to Ubuntu 8.10. http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/countdown

One cd is hardly enough for Open Office alone. It's sounds like they have done well.

Is the video editing app ffmpeg?

Lead Head:

--- Quote from: piratePenguin on 19 October 2008, 16:34 ---How many OSes ship with video editing apps?
Ubuntu can't ship too much because it is committed to being just 1 CD. A major advantage to Ubuntu I think. The best of both words may be nice, and the Ubuntu development community might be open to your ideas.

It's 11 days to Ubuntu 8.10. http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/countdown

--- End quote ---

XP and Vista both have crude video editing software, I'm pretty sure the latest iterations of OSX come with iMovie by default?

iMovie has been in OSX for a while. For $200 you can get Final Cut Express, which is more than enough for the average joe.


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