All Things Microsoft > Microsoft as a Company

How About THIS?(!)

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quote:Originally posted by Gooseberry Clock:
The BBC are the Microsoft of the UK.
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foobar, he's just shite stirring. i think he thinks that any publicity is good publicity. he thinks we will all get curious and go and use his bulleting board and visit his site so he can sell high price adverts thereon to Microsoft and similar companies whom he loves...


quote:Originally posted by jtpenrod:

We have the PBS, and it gets the lion's share of its really high quality programming from the BBC   ;)
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That's because ALL of the good stuff comes from BBC.  PBS shows all of the great British comedies like Blackadder, Mr. Bean, and Red Dwarf.  but all of PBS's original stuff is either retarded baby shows or communist documentaries about "save the earth" and all that bullshit.  In America, the good stuff either comes from BBC, FOX, ABC, or NBC.  But not CBS - they're for undead.  And damn ABC for canceling Clerks!

aha calum, it's an enlightment for me.

thank you.


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