All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

Directory C: is corrupt

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 :| :| :|

I suppose you noticed that he is a fireman...

No fucking clue what a CCleaner is, but I suspect it produced a shortcut or link file or alias or something to the root directory, and that is what is fucked up, not the directory tree itself.  So it's not so much a dumbshit problem as it is a semantic problem.

Lead Head:
Corrupt files can be a nightmare on windows. My session store for fire fox got corrupted somehow and I could not delete it no matter what I did. I had to boot into safemode and log in as a super-administrator to delete the file


Why do people still use this crap?

Lead Head:
What do you mean? On my XP install, I have one user account, mine which is an Administrator. When I logged onto safe mode, I was given a choice of another user account just labeled Administrator along with my account. I was just assuming the "Administrator" account has even more privileges then a standard administrator


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