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--- Quote from: yahurd ---Plus we finally have a president that is intelligent! He went to harvard!
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Bush went to Yale.  Clearly that doesn't mean much. ;)

--- Quote from: yahurd ---Well, we just came out of bush, and so they are excited john bush is gone, and he/it wont get reelected.
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--- Quote from: yahurd ---And the most important reason?

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That would've been true even if McCain was elected.  They aren't cheering for Bush's departure.

I think this article says it all, really:

Although I should point out that the article makes reference to '300 years of racism'twice.  Black slaves first arrived at Jamestown, Virginia, in 1619.  So that's 389 years - more if we count the 40+ years of slaves being brought to the Caribbean and South America by the Spanish and Portuguese during that time.  Why don't we just round that up to an even 400?  Either way, 300 is extremely misleading.

Hey, maybe in 400 more years, we can have a woman as president.


--- Quote from: yahurd on  6 November 2008, 23:48 ---Race is no issue when running for anything in america. Except texas.  (N)

--- End quote ---

It's funny because if you look at a county-by-county view, all of the counties surrounding Travis (where Austin is located) is red, except Travis XD

Austin is an island, for sure.  You know what kind of people live in Hutto and Caldwell and Rockdale?  The kind of people who think that having a grilled-cheese sandwich at the little cafe inside Wal-Mart is "fine dining".  I'm not fucking kidding, I've been there, and it's very sad.  When you wonder who's afraid of gay people, or wonder who exactly it is who thinks black people are genetically unfit to be president, that's who.  I want to tell you that I respect their rights and all that, but I'm glad as hell that they didn't choose the president this year.


I admit its because hes black! Just kidding.

Its because he isn't just a poltician you european wanker, hes the leader of the world!

This election proved my belief that the only reason some minority hasn't had a president, was because there wasn't yet a president that happened to be a minority.

Which reminds me, 100% of candidates are white men on the GOP side, and the dems start out with about 20% minorities and end up for a long time with a women and a black guy.

Also, for a long time this will solidify the dem's reputation as the civil rights party.


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