Author Topic: Obama  (Read 3452 times)


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Re: Obama
« Reply #15 on: 11 November 2008, 20:23 »
Its because he isn't just a poltician you european wanker, hes the leader of the world!
I'm American....

Which reminds me, 100% of candidates are white men on the GOP side
That's the stereotype, but it's not actually true.  In fact, when Obama was running for Senate, the GOP put a black guy up against him.
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Re: Obama
« Reply #16 on: 11 November 2008, 22:01 »
Becoming a Presidential or Congress candidate takes a lot of networking, and white males are best at sticking around exclusive clubs of power-hungry assholes.

However, change is coming. Who knows, maybe this GOP guy will run for 2012 President:


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Re: Obama
« Reply #17 on: 15 November 2008, 17:20 »
Our president can't do much without the support of Congress. They control the money. America is broke, so Obama will have his hands full
just trying to pay bills on time.

He isn't a ghetto black, anyway. It's not skin color that causes trouble here, it's behaviour. Too many blacks want to be anything but white, even if it means rejecting what works, like education and honest work.

Obama has the chance to legitimize black success. When asked about laws banning people from wearing their underwear on the outside (popular ghetto black dress) he said it wasn't likely to do any good, "But that said, brothers, pull your pants up."


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Re: Obama
« Reply #18 on: 16 November 2008, 04:14 »
He isn't a ghetto black, anyway. It's not skin color that causes trouble here, it's behaviour. Too many blacks want to be anything but white, even if it means rejecting what works, like education and honest work.

Crazy talk.  George W. Bush is living proof that education and honest work don't mean shit.  The interactions between blacks, education, and work are intricate and subtle, and almost none of them have anything to do with a conscious desire to be less white.

To a culture that seems to substitutes symbols (Cadillacs and bling being stereotypical examples) for true status, this is one symbol that really does have meaningful status.  Obama doesn't have mad ice - but he's the fucking president!  Hopefully that will be worth something.

Things aren't looking pretty so far - when a significant percentage of society is opposed to your success, it's kinda hard to succeed, and sometimes even harder to feel good about it:


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Re: Obama
« Reply #19 on: 17 November 2008, 02:46 »
Things aren't looking pretty so far - when a significant percentage of society is opposed to your success, it's kinda hard to succeed, and sometimes even harder to feel good about it:
It's the cool new trend, bro-skish-skosh. I voted for Obama in the primary and the election, and even I've been spray painting racial epithets everywhere.
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Re: Obama
« Reply #20 on: 17 November 2008, 07:17 »
So you're the one who put the "Go Home Cracker" graffiti on my car...

btw, it takes mad skillz to use throw out slang term that doesn't even appear on Urban Dictionary.  Please correct that error:
« Last Edit: 17 November 2008, 07:20 by worker201 »


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Re: Obama
« Reply #21 on: 18 November 2008, 00:43 »
btw, it takes mad skillz to use throw out slang term that doesn't even appear on Urban Dictionary.  Please correct that error:

Oh shi- I didn't even catch that. 1337 skillz right thar.
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