All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

The real problem in MS


All the great success MS has done when they do Win3.11 ad Windows 95 has gone with the wind when Windows 98 has been released

No body can forget the crach which happend while installing a scanner

I have this file and I am going to place it here if some one did not remember what happend at that time

MS allway promisse the WindowsUser that the next Version of Windows is going to be much much betterand the seurity will be great
But when the new version of windows released
It seem to havemore problemand less security more than the perviuos version

Windows 98
You can say its totaly DOS but with GUI
That depend o a 1 million file to boot + the slowse after about 1 montos using

even if you computer off for one month
Low security ...........

Windows ME :- as a new OS  .. The wrset Version of Windows .. May be it beeter in Adding and dtecting the hardware more than other version of Windows .. But it's not so good

MS promissall the usrer that Windows Will be better
But when the new version is released and the user find that the security isnot good and the problem are more than before .. the user will start to hate M$

Windows NT <NTFS5>
M$ did not make the NTFS5
MS buy it
Windows 2000 pro
MS has make a server with a small page which has been written on it
No matter the secuity for the server <WIndows 2000 + NTFS5 >
More than 1 million hacker in the world
Of cours they will hack the server
2 week and MS has close the server
No one can deny that Windows NT 5has reall improved to better <security - error recovery >
and so with Windows XP
Now on Serice pack 2

Windows 2003
The version has been not released yet and M$ tell that there is a security problem on it

It's really bad

Poor MS
Allways tryto make the thing better but it destoryit

The best solotion for MS to forget some thing named Windows . and just release Windows with a new name ... DOORs for example  :D    :D  
with a new interface

Thank you for reading the post

Um... re-post this with fixed grammar.

Then you'll get replies.  :D


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