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Disable IE to appear again after connected to Internet
I am using a dial up connection. So once I have connected to the Internet, an additional Internet Explorer will pop up. May I know how can I disable one additional Internet Explorer to pop up once I have connected to the Internet?
I can tell you how to disable both of your IEs but not one. Just install this. If you don't want to try that you might find someone who can answer your question here:
well, as this is a frequently asked question, you can find the answer here. You might also want to read this.
Didn't you notice the note at the top of the forum, telling you to read tha FAQ before posting?
Gooseberry Clock:
What program are you using to dial up?
Doctor V:
loopers, take void main's advice, that link will stop the annoying extra IE window from popping up ever again.
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