Author Topic: CMS?  (Read 2354 times)


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« on: 12 December 2008, 16:45 »
hi there. any of you guys happen to know of a good CMS, open source preferably, which has the capability, or a good loadable module/plugin, to stream audio from our own server? Thanks in advance, i don't know too much about this (yet).
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Re: CMS?
« Reply #1 on: 12 December 2008, 19:52 »
You need a CMS to steam audio from your server? :S

I'm not exactly sure what you actually want.


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Re: CMS?
« Reply #2 on: 12 December 2008, 23:45 »
sorry, i do that sort of thing a lot.

here is what i would like:

I am now doing the website for a local club for acoustic performers. The website needs updated, so i want to use a CMS that will be versatile, in terms of putting articles and news up, and this CMS should also be able to have subsections (probably news, reviews and other updates: three categories that can be accessed through a side menu perhaps).

Each evening's performances are reviewed, and the reviews are sent out weekly and posted in date order, weekly, on the site, i want this to be easily implementable in the new version of the site: ie: i would like to be able to specify the dates (and not have the CMS assume that the entry should be dated for the date it is being entered on). I have over 300 past weeks' reviews to put in as separate items and i want the dates to be easily manipulable.

Another main feature is this: the performers have submitted some mp3s of their music. I want to be able to put a lightweight embedded player on the front page that is similar to the one in myspace (on any/every page perhaps... perhaps it should open in a new window to avoid changing songs every time the reader changes page). it should accept a large number of mp3s in its playlist (the mp3s are stored locally in a directory in the webspace that we use), it should have the ability to be randomised (so that it plays tracks in a random order to avoid one performer getting more coverage than another), and it should be able to display info about the mp3 in some way (performer name and track name, perhaps year) and have normal transport controls (play, pause/stop, rewind and fforward)

plus there's an existing phpBB forum that i want to keep, so if there's some way of integrating this into the CMS site then i'd like to do that.

I suspect these features would be plugins or loadable modules, but maybe not.

At present it's run on a horrible and expensive TypePad system, which runs out in january and i have no intention of paying the 150 bucks to renew it.

so if something like that exists in open source world then i'd like to know it please! :-)

I have php and a MySQL database if i need them.
« Last Edit: 12 December 2008, 23:53 by Calum »
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