Miscellaneous > Applications
Thinking about switching
If you open the doc in Hexedit or HexeditFAT, you should be able to read the header and know what version of Word it was created in.
If it has a damaged header, then it may not open properly in any program. But, with OO, you can force select a template when you open a doc,
if you think it's not what it was labeled.
FWIW, I didn't get the job. And I was grossly over-qualified for it. :(
Update: this is becoming more of an issue. I've been working on editing some documents these past few weeks - Word docs and PowerPoint shows. None of them have any weird formatting bullshit, or incompatible features. I save often, so I'm not losing any data. But every couple days, OpenOffice trys to update some French thesaurus and crashes. I think the Mac version is Java, and the whole runtime takes a dirtnap. 6 times in the past 2 weeks. The only other Java programs I have, Editra and Azureus/Vuze don't seem to have any problems. OpenOffice has been acceptable when it is working - but that is sadly not very often.
So I have arrived at a point where I have to seriously consider Microsoft Office. Again.
Lead Head:
Any possible way of uninstalling this french thesaurus component?
Not that I can find.
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