Miscellaneous > Applications

Thinking about switching

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If you open the doc in Hexedit or HexeditFAT, you should be able to read the header and know what version of Word it was created in.
If it has a damaged header, then it may not open properly in any program. But, with OO, you can force select a template when you open a doc,
if you think it's not what it was labeled.

FWIW, I didn't get the job.  And I was grossly over-qualified for it. :(

Update: this is becoming more of an issue.  I've been working on editing some documents these past few weeks - Word docs and PowerPoint shows.  None of them have any weird formatting bullshit, or incompatible features.  I save often, so I'm not losing any data.  But every couple days, OpenOffice trys to update some French thesaurus and crashes.  I think the Mac version is Java, and the whole runtime takes a dirtnap.  6 times in the past 2 weeks.  The only other Java programs I have, Editra and Azureus/Vuze don't seem to have any problems.  OpenOffice has been acceptable when it is working - but that is sadly not very often.

So I have arrived at a point where I have to seriously consider Microsoft Office.  Again.

Lead Head:
Any possible way of uninstalling this french thesaurus component?

Not that I can find.


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