Operating Systems > Linux and UNIX

Party tomorrow likes it's 1234567890

(1/2) > >>

Unix Time.

I finnish my glass to 1234567890,
not sure how the time translates so i drink now.
happy 1234567890!
(emptys glass)

How weird:

"Unix shirts preferred, generic geek shirts suitable and MSFT geek shirts tolerated"

I'm wearing my Slackware shirt today, so if I go, I'll have to choose from the Firefox, Thunderbird or Helvetica shirts.

Lead Head:
I sadly do not have any tech related shirts - or is that a good thing?

One of the easiest ways to support free and/or open source software is to buy a shirt.  You hand the developer a few dollars, and then market with your chest for a couple years.  You were going to wear a shirt anyway, right?  Might as well support a worthy cause in the process.


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