Author Topic: How do I block this script?  (Read 2761 times)


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How do I block this script?
« on: 21 February 2009, 01:50 »

will bounce you to a blank page if you don't have javascript and cookies allowed/enabled. I'm not sure what they are doing.

If you are quick with the esc key you can get the page you want before the bounce. I use FF and NoScript all the time.


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Re: How do I block this script?
« Reply #1 on: 21 February 2009, 07:05 »
Here's the code that causes it:
Code: [Select]
<script type="text/javascript" src="/__utm.js"></script>
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=">

The HTML noscript element uses your browser's identification to decide what to do with you.  If your browser doesn't support scripts, the noscript element can pass scripted information to you.  It's designed to offer alternative content to a user with a pre-JavaScript browser, and the W3C would probably birth kittens if they saw it being used to shut you out of a webpage.  This is probably enough of a dick move to warrant writing an email to the site's webmaster or using a blog to warn others off the site.

I guess if you want your script blocker to work, it has to identify itself differently.  It would have to identify your browser as supporting scripts, and just not run them.  So of all the script blockers out there, some might work, and some might not, depending on how they are programmed.